Frank zappa autobiography pdf merger

The Real Frank Zappa Book

February 29,
I started paging through The Real Frank Zappa Book in an effort to generate band name ideas and ended up reading the entire thing cover to cover. I attribute this to three things; Zappa had an interesting life, he had interesting things to say and he was able to talk about things in an interesting manner.

TRFZB is part autobiography and part philosophical exploration, the exploration being of Zappa’s mind in the form of theories, beliefs and ideas.

Frankly (HA HA HA HA… sorry, couldn’t help it), I think Zappa was the exact right combination of outside the box thinker and common sense genius that it would take to be a truly positive force in the world of politics, though associating with the slime typically found in those venues would likely have driven him insane or worse.

Frank Zappa. The track as it appears on the album was only a backing track for a much more complex piece, but MGM refused to allow the additional recording time needed for completion. Hearing before the committee on commerce, science and transportation". He blew his way out of a jail with it, so I thought: "There's a clue here somewhere.

Never mind that politics has descended to a kind of organized sport with a big, dumb Superbowl every four years. At least in football they get to watch more than two teams compete. Anyway…

Reading TRFZB took me back to a time (it was first published in ) when things were different. Not better or worse but very seriously different.

Music was primarily sold on physical media. The interwebs was light years away from its current incarnation as the hip, new opiate for the masses.

Frank zappa autobiography pdf merger Records of the Australian Museum. Broadway the Hard Way. Open Library American Libraries. Verve insisted that the band officially rename themselves the Mothers of Invention as Mother was short for motherfucker —a term that, apart from its profane meanings, can denote a skilled musician.

Nirvana was just a little known band from Seattle. And the government (or their wives, really) were very concerned with the mental health and moral fiber of America’s youth. Who knows what I’m talking about? That’s right, it’s the PMRC!

The Parent Music Resource Center was the result (if we are to believe the legend) of a bored housewife hearing her daughter’s Prince LP, specifically the song “Darling Nikki” and its masturbation reference and FLIPPING OUT.

This bored housewife got her other bored housewife friends together and they set out to deleteriously effect the lives of millions of people.

  • The Real Frank Zappa Book - Wikipedia
  • The Real Frank Zappa Book
  • The Real Frank Zappa Book by Frank Zappa - Goodreads
  • Books Archive - Frank Zappa
  • They did this by getting their politician husbands to threaten/intimidate/manipulate organizations like the Recording Industry Association of America to force record labels to put a sticker on their releases warning of lyrical topics deemed unfit for consumption of minors. It was disgusting. It was revolting to watch these idiots use their husband’s political power to make a name for themselves as well as get those husbands’ names in the public eye.

    Who was that bored housewife who started all this (if we agree to excuse Prince from any culpability)?

    Tipper Gore. You know who her husband is? America’s environmental hero, Al Gore.

    I’ve never liked Gore and the PMRC is the reason. After the PMRC fervor died down, Al Gore ran for president. Obviously, it was extremely beneficial for his wife to do what she did when she did what she did to all of us. And, of course, we must acknowledge that Tipper is not a bored housewife at all but, in actuality, a black hearted snake oil salesman witch hunter who knows how to work the system.

    This is why, when Gore’s film came out, I was mystified that everyone was lauding him as some kind of hero.

    I haven’t seen the film (get off my back, I will sooner or later and it better be more interesting than that wretched Fahrenheit movie) but it can’t possibly make up for all the nonsense we had to deal with from Al and Tip. I’m just saying.

    Does anyone remember the blank tape tax? That was where consumers would be charged a tax when purchasing blank tapes because everyone just knew consumers were going to “bootleg” (i.e.

    make tapes of their friends’ records or cassettes) the industry into bankruptcy. Who was one of the bill’s cosponsors? Al Gore.

    Gore groupies beware; all is not what it seems in Goreville.

    Another result of the PMRC, if not directly than by default, is something called Back In Control. Remember that fine organization? Back In Control claimed to be able to “de-punk” or “de-metal” your kids.

    Apparently they were unable to “de-country” or “de-disco” your kids, or were uninterested, in spite of any suggestive lyrics that may have existed in those “genres.” Your kids were taken away to a place where they were essentially brainwashed into being good Christians.

  • It was like any cult, only it was sanctioned by America, mom and her apple pie. I’m done talking about Back In Control because it gives me the willies but, if you aren’t familiar, it makes for as good a bedtime read as any horror story.

    I think it’s unfortunate for society that Zappa passed away so young because we could all use a little of his input right now.

    We still have Jello Biafra but he gets so worked up and crazy! I think Zappa would be able to provide the clear, concise, level headed analysis that we need in today’s intellectually bankrupt era. For example:

    “Some scientists claim that hydrogen, because it is so plentiful, is the basic building block of the universe. I dispute that.

    I say there is more stupidity than hydrogen, and that is the basic building block of the universe.”

    He’s correct. And that was from If Zappa were here today, he’d be even more beautiful and powerful than he was then! More than twenty years more beautiful and powerful! His foresight is truly awesome:

    “In the future, etiquette will become more important.

    That doesn’t mean knowing which fork to pick up – I mean basic consideration for the rights of other animals (human beings included) and the willingness, whenever practical, to tolerate the other guy’s idiosyncrasies.”

    That’s proven to be true, especially with the worldwide population approaching seven billion.

    I’d say etiquette is right up at the top of the list.

    But, what about the music? Zappa’s a music guy, right? Zappa’s reflections on music have always been prescient and insightful. Being a musician, I value the man’s knowledge and experience mightily. Being a consumer, I value his inherent need to challenge the status quo.

    As a kid, it was empowering to hear Zappa urging me to think for myself and not just go with the flow when it came to how I spent my entertainment dollars. Zappa’s philosophy:

    “If it sounds GOOD to YOU, it’s bitchen; and if it sounds BAD to YOU, it’s sh*tty.”

    And that is exactly true. That simple theory holds water and prevents one from becoming a moneymaking tool for a bunch of rich a*sholes.

    Remember how the psycho in American Psycho had a CD collection of the current hits and cycled out the old stuff periodically? That’s sociopathic consumerism!

    Autobiography examples We stole a bunch, removed the bullet heads with pliers, and extracted the 'gunpowder' -- only it didn't look like 'gunpowder,' it looked like little greenish-black sequins I think it was called ballistite. Zappa released two of his most important projects in I was always amazed that people got paid to figure out how to do this stuff. That's a word I don't use often

    I think.

    Zappa puts forth words of wisdom on a dizzying variety of useful topics, from parenting to politics to education to religion. He also provides perhaps the most entertaining Frank Zappa bio possible, covering childhood, youth, The Mothers, his family and more. He refers to what he does as “amateur anthropology,” which just tickles me to no end.

    I think he’s incredible and I miss his presence in this crazy old world and I very much wish he had written more.

    Internet Archive: Digital Library of Free & Borrowable Books ...: Twitter feed of Skot Armstrong. Marines from the audience onto the stage, where they proceeded to dismember a big baby doll, having been told by Zappa to pretend that it was a " gook baby". Zappa became irritated by Beefheart, who drew constantly, including while on stage, filling one of his large sketch books with rapidly executed portraits and warped caricatures of Zappa. One evening, Zappa managed to entice some U.

    You just know he would be an outstanding guest on The John Stewart Show or The Colbert Report. Hell, I'm sure he'd have his own show.

    Oddly enough, everything he has to say about politics, finances, religion, education, etc. still holds true today more than twenty years later. And that’s just sad. Remember those Virginia Slims ads?

    “You’ve come a long way, baby,” they praised. Well, the reverse is true for the world today. This baby has stayed more or less where it started, screaming and crying and sitting in a dirty diaper.

    My Dad wanted me to be an engineer. A doctor treated his sinusitis by inserting a pellet of radium into each of Zappa's nostrils. Members of the group studied and admired his music. It seemed like everything that I wanted to do, that would be fun, cost too much money -- and when you're a kid and you can't do fun stuff you're either going to be bored or dissatisfied or both.

    We have ipads and Twitter (i.e. diaper rash) but most of the same things are pretty much as bad as they ever were.

    I’d like to praise the artwork to be found in TRFZB, all of which was done by one A. West. I figure this isn’t Adam West of Batman/Family Guy fame, but it’s kind of fun to think it is.

    It’s more fun to have these pictures to accompany the text. They are awesome.

    TRFZB is a fantastic read and I consider it something of a classic in the realm of music autobiography. Zappa’s wit is razor keen and dry as the desert. This is such a fun book to read and I’m so glad a happy accident led to me reading it again.

    Unfortunately, I still don’t have a band name.