What did andrew jackson do as president

Life after andrew jacksons presidency accomplishments At first, he professed no interest in the office, but by his boosters had rallied enough support to get him a nomination as well as a seat in the U. He summoned all of his failing energies on behalf of Van Buren's Independent Treasury financial plan and his unsuccessful reelection bid in During this time Jackson vetoed twelve bills, more than his six predecessors combined. This policy led to the tragic and devastating forced marches of the Cherokee, Chickasaw, Choctaw, Creek, and Seminole tribes to what is now Oklahoma.

Andrew Jackson: Foreign Affairs

Generally, foreign affairs were not a prominent concern of Jackson's administration. The President's agents negotiated a number of treaties to secure foreign trade openings and settle outstanding damage claims. Of these, only an agreement with Britain over the West Indies trade, which Jackson reached by repudiating the demands of the previous Adams administration, was in any way controversial.

Late in Jackson's presidency, however, an unseemly dispute with France nearly brought the two nations to the brink of war.

In an treaty, France agreed to pay claims for Napoleonic depredations on American shipping.

Life after andrew jacksons presidency ency successful Garfield Chester A. Accomplishments of Andrew Jackson 1. His presidency was marked by both notable accomplishments and contentious policies, making him a polarizing figure in American politics. After leaving office, Jackson retired to the Hermitage, where he died in June

Nevertheless, the French Chamber of Deputies refused to appropriate the necessary funds. Jackson finally lost patience and asked Congress to authorize reprisals if the money was not paid. The French government then demanded retraction of this insult as a condition of payment. Jackson responded in effect that what he said to Congress was none of a foreign government's business.

Life after andrew jacksons presidency During their invasion of the western Carolinas in , British soldiers took the young Andrew Jackson prisoner. Martin Van Buren, his handpicked successor as President, had become his closest political confidante. Jacksonian Democracy Andrew Jackson was the seventh president of the United States, but he was the first in many other ways. He used budget surpluses generated primarily from the sale of public lands to pay down the debt.

The impasse deepened through ministers were recalled and military preparations begun. Finally, under British urgings, the French agreed to construe a conciliatory passage in a later message of Jackson's as sufficient apology. France paid the debt and the crisis passed without repercussions.

The same could not be said of Jackson's dealings with Mexico.

Jackson craved the Mexican border province of Texas for the United States and he made its purchase the first priority of his presidential diplomacy.

Andrew jacksons accomplishments Kennedy Lyndon B. In , Jackson joined a convention charged with drafting the new Tennessee state constitution and became the first man to be elected to the U. In eight years, Congress passed only one major law, the Indian Removal Act of , at his behest. Breadcrumb U.

Given the instability of Mexico's government and its suspicions of American designs, a Texas negotiation required great discretion and patience. Jackson's chosen agent, Anthony Butler, possessed neither of those qualities, and Jackson's own careless instructions encouraged Butler's clumsy dabbling in the diplomatic underworld of bribery and personal influence.

His machinations, combined with the flow of American settlers into Texas, aroused Mexican apprehensions of American designs there. In , American emigrants to Texas, led by Jackson's old Tennessee comrade Sam Houston, mounted a successful revolt against Mexico and declared their independence. Jackson prudently declined to endorse American annexation of Texas or even to recognize the new republic without prior congressional approval.

Still, his earlier inept efforts to buy the province helped sow seeds of mutual distrust that would bear fruit in war between the United States and Mexico a decade later.